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About this book:
Reality’s most central aspects are deep enough for me to say: A true philosopher knows either everything or nothing. This is why its professors warn, “a PhD in philosophy doesn’t make a philosopher”. But to be any other type of homo sapiens is not that useful…
It is the greatest curse a human can land, to be reduced to hands and feet and an intelligent brain that does not know the key insights.
Unfortunately, it is typical.
Luckily, our times are unique; you need not have walked the path of inquiry, just read this book…
To navigate on your own terms, you must understand your terms; you must understand the terms; as they are, not as they are “said to be”.
Sociology, which Aristotle saw as the master art, has 2 styles of approach.
The typical approach is a misguided pseudoscience that is symbiotic with overly conservative political dogma; it doesn’t even profit its investors!
The second is social physics: a very new field, given man’s inherent complexity and the historic suppression of a frank science.
Although secret societies are privy to details such as “sacred geometry” to some extent, this field is barren, as social physics has nothing to do with statistical fence management or political theories of “group one-upmanship”, as some experts have felt.
But at last, here is a true work of social physics; just by itself, that fact is significant enough to end the terrible Y2K dark age, unpause the renaissance.
This book uses case studies from history to underpin a science-based look at all reality, including the key topics science has refused to handle (for unfortunate political reasons). Its scientific approach forces me to include a basic introduction to physics which can be equally appreciated by those new to science and scientists, as the science happens to be cutting edge – a grand unified theory, which can help us define future reality (including the timeline and all the matter in space), in terms of quantum entanglement and reality at a prior moment in time.
A basic introduction for scientists: I developed on Einstein and Popper’s criticism of the “all is random in Quantum mechanics” idea. The exact mechanism behind what seems like random probabilities to those unaware of the pattern, are what I found via Planck. Also a new, dark matter, social physics based theory of gravity.
For those new to science: Don’t worry! No pre-knowledge of science is demanded from the reader. Literacy and curiosity are good enough, as everything is explained, including the important aspects of biology, physics, chemistry etc., that are key to truly understand reality, social physics/sociology, the society we live in, who we/you are, truly or objectively! You’ll be glad to know.
This book is not primarily about science; it’s a 3rd Millennium adventurer’s essential reference cyclopedia.
A reasonably ambitious person faces many problems in life. Here we see the importance of the problem-solver’s confidence, rooted in a true understanding, thus differentiated from foolhardiness. This confidence is usually lacking; for good reason: Facts of great importance tend to be unknown, and at least that much is known. That’s why most hesitate to take great decisions. If you sum this up, what do we find? Great, important steps are never taken by individuals and civilization, as they must be.
Let’s tick the clock, reverse that Dark Age trend that began long ago, and more recently surged around 1911, as I show here; and again around 2001, 2006, 2013… More generally, the battle against “the dark age” is a constant, as very few knew the critical insights that I now share, finally! It was inevitable in this information age.
And your role is key to this Modern Renaissance…
At any situation in life, especially important, unavoidable, or foolish to avoid situations, you should have the thought of one with relevant knowledge.
Wherever life takes you, whatever challenges you face, with this book you can be sure you have the key insights into all things of general importance, that there are no glaring gaps in your understanding of reality.
Such gaps are deadly, especially in areas of make-or-break knowledge, forcing hesitations that can only add up to prove fatal…
To navigate to immortality, we merely need to know all that is fatal to not know. Without critical knowledge, even the intelligent become “just another link” in an aimless limbo, “the theater of the absurd”. Most tragic and wholly avoidable… I did my part, the rest is up to you.
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